Here are some notes about BASH utilities and functionalities that I learned about today. This is more for me than you, but if you find it useful, great! :)
Search for files that don't contain text
You're used to searching for files that contain text, but what if you need to find files that don't contain specific text? Consider a scenario where you have files that need to be updated to include something. You have a mixture of files that contain the updates already and files that don't contain the updates. The following command is helpful in those scenarios.
find . -name package.json -exec grep -H -E -o -c "pre-commit" {} \; | grep 0
The above command will search only for files named package.json and return files that have no instance the text "pre-commit".
Use arguments from previous commands in the current command
Most of the time when make a directory you want to go to it. Or if you're manipulating a lot files in a folder you'll often want to reuse specific paths. Here's a nice way to do that.
mkdir foo;
cd !:1;