Blake Dietz

Proto-mathematician, computer scientist, cyclist at heart. I love discovering through the learning process.



Boise State University

2009-2014: Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, minor in Computer Science


View a list of personal projects I've built here


Owner: Cyberdeck LLC

2021/07/01 - Present

Founding engineer: elegy software

2022/06/20 - 2023/06/15

As one of two founding engineers, I directly impacted our customers' experience while also contributing significantly to the development of the Phoenix LiveView codebase. My involvement spanned almost every aspect of product delivery, from conducting on-site follow-me-home research with customers to identify potential features, to assisting in building the SaaS product from scratch, epitomizing the full-stack role.

Here are some specific examples of features and domains I've helped shape:

  • Developed a comprehensive, customizable invoicing system tailored to the customer domain, which directly contributed to customer acquisition.
  • Constructed an internal component ecosystem to expedite and standardize feature delivery across the product.
  • Designed and implemented app-wide mobile support.
  • Incorporated error logging and user interaction instrumentation for analytics.
  • Advocated for app-wide user experience enhancements, such as redesigning page information hierarchy and implementing autosave functionality.
  • Devised and prototyped cutting-edge EDRS integrations.
  • Prioritized and scoped issues based on customer feedback.

Senior software engineer: Intuit

2021/05/01 - 2022/06/01

Team: Growth

Integrations engineer: Instinct

2020/10/05 - 2021/01/28

Full stack software engineer: Vetspire

2019/12/09 - 2020/09/03

Dedicated engineer for PETCO

Worked with project managers and engineers at Petco to gather requirements, understand customer problems and plan bodies of work. Features that are built based upon Petco's request are implemented with all Vetspire customers in mind.

Senior software engineer: Intuit

2019/03/01 - 2019/12/09

Team: Developer experience

Responsible for creating a paved road development experience for a team of 90+ engineers with a primary focus on the backend. Challenges included transitioning the full team of developers from SVN to git, creating continuous delivery, integration and deployment pipelines in Kubernetes while also streamlining all aspects of the development process.

2018/01/11 - 2019/03/01

Team: Core

Adopted and advocated for React as the frontend technology of choice for all frontend feature development at TSheets. Projects and responsibilities included the following:

  • Acted as a consultant for feature development in React and Redux to encourage best practices.
  • Communicated with both designers and developers to build a shared design system and library so developers could focus on feature development.
  • Reduced boilerplate and encouraged best practices by creating generators for frontend features.
  • Created a single step setup process for developers to register their new projects with the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Empowered developers to create npm packages by creating a streamlined workflow for repositories to be automatically and semantically versioned and published based upon commit format.
  • Ran multiple new hire trainings for React and Redux development practices.

Senior software engineer: TSheets

2017/10/30 - 2018/01/10

Team: Core

Acquired by Intuit while in this position. See above.

2016/10/31 - 2017/10/30

Team: Scheduling

While on the scheduling team I identified the need to develop more quickly with fewer mistakes. Our frontend codebase was extremely susceptible to the CACE principle and I felt React's emphasis on declarative ui and simple state flow helped to address some of the problems that caused the CACE issue. I wrote the first feature in React and helped grow the learnings that I took from integrating React into the product into a plan for the rest of the organization to use.

  • Implemented the first feature in React at TSheets.
  • Extended the scheduling application to support more rich notification support.
  • Fixed complex performance and printing bugs with legacy browsers.

Volunteer software engineer: Treefort music festival mobile app

Volunteered for a local music festival for a few years. This helped to scratch my itch to learn about deploying to AWS while also deploying a cross platform mobile application and getting a sneak peak at the artist lineups.

2017/08 - 2017/10

Continued to maintain and tune the backend API. Successfully served over one million requests throughout the duration of the festival.

2016/10 - 2017/03

Built, maintained and deployed a backend api to AWS Lambda, DynamoDB and API Gateway. Helped to maintain the mobile application from the previous year.

2015/08 - 2016/05

Lead frontend development for the application rewrite.

Software engineer: WhiteCloud Analytics

At WhiteCloud I grew from intern to a competent engineer with a penchant for frontend development.

2014/06 - 2016/10

Software engineer

Built the first Single page application at WhiteCloud in Angular.js.

  • Became the subject matter expert for Angular.js.
  • Established best practices for the frontend through training.

2013/04 - 2014/06


Focused on creating a customized charting solution in D3.js to power specialized data visualizations for physicians to better understand healthcare data.

© 2024, Built with ❤️ by Blake Dietz